Active in Aub – Meet and greet at Rothschenk

To good neighborliness, or:
Because we can only do it together.

On 28.01.25, a look behind the scenes was on the agenda for local entrepreneurs and city councillors.

Both the town council and the Aub trade association “Aub aktiv” visited Rothschenk’s new “4G” building complex with a delegation.

The aim was to get an impression of the products, the range of services and the management of the Franconian medium-sized company. What is produced there? What is it good for? And what makes the shareholders tick?

In addition to a brief company presentation by Jürgen Schulte-Wieking (Partner) and Thomas Bauer (Marketing), there was also an open question and answer session with those present, led by the Mayor of Auber, Roman Menth.

After a tour of the company premises, during which André Bauer, Sales Manager, explained the production areas for dunnage bags and lashing systems, as well as warehousing and logistics, the evening was rounded off with a buffet.

As one of the largest employers in the region, Rothschenk was keen to combine the thinking and challenges of an industrial company with the requirements of the small businesses in Auber and the town. After all, mutual understanding begins with knowledge of each other’s everyday lives.

With this in mind, here’s to good neighborly relations!

Impressions of the illustrious evening:

Rothschenk assortment

4 good reasons for Rothschenk


Our customer center has only one goal: to turn your problems into solutions. Whether standard stowage cushions, bestsellers or load securing personally tailored to your needs -. we accompany you consistently from A as in field service to Z as in certification. That is our promise to you, as a leader in our industry.


We attach great importance to professional cargo securing. That is why we have our own production, which ensures reliable operation through modern manufacturing technologies and strict quality control. Thus, we offer our customers a comprehensive and high-quality range of services in the field of transport logistics.


DIN ISO 9001:2015, EMAS and Ecovadis are not foreign words to you? Then it's time to work with the best.
You don't take any risks with us - we have been awarded the Platinum Medal on the EcoVadis sustainability rating platform.


As a load securement company, we are proud to have several certifications that validate our sustainability efforts and our commitment to environmental protection and social responsibility. For you as a purchaser, this means that we demand and promote the implementation of high environmental and social standards both within the company and along the supply chain.

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