New logistics hall – open day with tractor exhibition

The new logistics hall was full. But this time with visitors. Rothschenk invited the residents around Aub, Baldersheim and Burgerroth to take a look at the new logistics center at the main site in Aub and to help celebrate its inauguration.

The catchment area was then probably much larger, because with an estimated 500 visitors there was a lot going on. The Baldersheim kindergarten had baked 40 trays of cakes in advance and almost all of them were sold as well as coffee. With the money raised, the local kindergarten can now purchase items to modernize the equipment, e.g. furniture. We would like to expressly thank all the hard-working helpers of the Baldersheim kindergarten, big and small, for the catering and decoration, the face painting and the advertising in advance.

Special thanks also go to the Baldersheim volunteer fire department. The guys from the local fire brigade made a big contribution to the success of this festival with drinks and a barbecue stand. Around 250 sausages changed hands and filled the Floriansjünger’s till. Together with the income from the sale of drinks, this also made an important contribution to the cohesion of the village community.

The vintage tractor exhibition was certainly an absolute highlight. Well-known names such as Porsche, Fendt and Lanz were among them, as well as Hanomag and Güldner. They were all rarities, some of them already at an advanced “retirement age”. We would like to thank all the mechanics and enthusiasts of such “cultural assets” for their dedicated hobby work and their willingness to drive their classic cars to us despite the mixed weather.

Rothschenk and his employees naturally also contributed something to the celebration. In addition to information points at the container, a training corner and the infrastructure, there was also a LaSi factory outlet. This was an opportunity for visitors to pick up a “bargain” in terms of load securing. Useful load securing aids such as lashing straps, anti-slip mats and car nets were available at drastically reduced prices.

All in all, a great success. Rothschenk had a lot of fun and brought us a little closer to the local residents. Last but not least, Rothschenk is also an employer and always needs additional employees due to expansion. Not least due to the newly built logistics center.

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4 good reasons for Rothschenk


Our customer center has only one goal: to turn your problems into solutions. Whether standard stowage cushions, bestsellers or load securing personally tailored to your needs -. we accompany you consistently from A as in field service to Z as in certification. That is our promise to you, as a leader in our industry.


We attach great importance to professional cargo securing. That is why we have our own production, which ensures reliable operation through modern manufacturing technologies and strict quality control. Thus, we offer our customers a comprehensive and high-quality range of services in the field of transport logistics.


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As a load securement company, we are proud to have several certifications that validate our sustainability efforts and our commitment to environmental protection and social responsibility. For you as a purchaser, this means that we demand and promote the implementation of high environmental and social standards both within the company and along the supply chain.

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