Since 2018, we have been working intensively on the impact of our actions on the environment and the climate – the basis for this is the EMAS environmental management system. In 2022, we have set ourselves the goal of going one step further. We have therefore calculated our carbon footprint in accordance with the internationally recognized Greenhouse Gas Protocol(GHG Protocol) standard.
This forms the basis for deriving specific measures to reduce our CO2 emissions and offset CO2 emissions already emitted in order to achieve climate neutrality. We have gone through the following steps to achieve this:

Step 1: Determining the CO2 footprint
The so-called CO2 footprint shows how many emissions (CO2, methane, nitrous oxide, etc.) a company causes and in which areas they occur. This requires comprehensive data collection (01-12/2021):
- Heat and power consumption
- Water consumption
- Refrigerant consumption
- Waste disposal
- Fuel consumption due to employee mobility, company fleet and business travel (flights, rail, cars)
- Procurement of office supplies (paper, printed matter, electronic devices)
When calculating CO2 emissions, not only the directly caused emissions (Scope 1) are then taken into account, but also the emissions in the upstream and downstream value chain (Scope 2 and 3).
In 2021, G&H Rothschenk generated a total of 297 tons of CO2eq at company level. This corresponds to approx. 922,366 km by car or 2,281 economy flights from Munich to Berlin.
Step 2: Avoiding and reducing CO2 emissions
We have already implemented measures to reduce our CO2 footprint in recent years:
- Purchase of 100 % green electricity from hydropower
- Purchase of 100 % district heating from renewable raw materials
- Conversion of the forklift fleets to 100% electric forklifts
- Leasing offer of electric and hybrid cars and job bikes for our employees
- Use of 100% recycled paper
Other measures that we will implement in our company by 2026 include
- Construction of a logistics hall to energy efficiency standard 40 (KfW)
- Conversion of the lighting in all production halls and warehouses to 100% LED
- Expansion of the charging infrastructure for electric cars and pedelecs on the company premises
- Installation of a company-owned photovoltaic system
Step 3: Compensation of CO2 emissions caused via climate protection project
It is impossible to run a completely climate-neutral business. In order to offset the CO2 emissions that we have not yet been able to avoid or reduce sufficiently, we have purchased climate protection certificates, which are used to finance climate protection projects in accordance with international standards. recognized standards are supported. We have chosen a project in Mozambique to generate clean drinking water. This is certified in accordance with the Gold Standard (GS VER), currently the strictest standard. You can find more information about the project here: tracking/project/20055-2209-1001