New logistics center – topping-out ceremony

Our new logistics center will not only make it possible to supply our customers even more efficiently – it is also slowly taking shape. On 09.11.22, we celebrated the topping-out ceremony of our new hall with personalities from regional politics and our construction companies.

Roman Menth, Mayor of Aub, naturally took the opportunity to address a few words to the Rothschenk workforce at the inauguration. As one of the largest employers in the region, Rothschenk’s importance as a company and its clear commitment to the Aub/Baldersheim location is an important sign for the families.

The town of Aub demonstrated a sense of humor and practicality when a birdhouse and flower seeds were presented. The latter is intended to symbolize the company’s growth and at the same time provide a home for local nature.

Mr. Keller from the same construction company Gillig&Keller, which was in charge of the planning and implementation of the hall, took on the role of topping-out speaker. Of course, it was a matter of honor to talk shop together about what had been achieved and what was still outstanding with regard to the new building over a buffet and drinks.

In his speech, Jürgen Schulte-Wieking also explained the time frame until completion of the new building. He set February 2023 as the target. There is still a lot to do before then, but the following work will mainly take place inside.

Rothschenk assortment

4 good reasons for Rothschenk


Our customer center has only one goal: to turn your problems into solutions. Whether standard stowage cushions, bestsellers or load securing personally tailored to your needs -. we accompany you consistently from A as in field service to Z as in certification. That is our promise to you, as a leader in our industry.


We attach great importance to professional cargo securing. That is why we have our own production, which ensures reliable operation through modern manufacturing technologies and strict quality control. Thus, we offer our customers a comprehensive and high-quality range of services in the field of transport logistics.


DIN ISO 9001:2015, EMAS and Ecovadis are not foreign words to you? Then it's time to work with the best.
You don't take any risks with us - we have been awarded the Platinum Medal on the EcoVadis sustainability rating platform.


As a load securement company, we are proud to have several certifications that validate our sustainability efforts and our commitment to environmental protection and social responsibility. For you as a purchaser, this means that we demand and promote the implementation of high environmental and social standards both within the company and along the supply chain.

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