We stay fit! First health day at Rothschenk

The joy of movement

For the first time, we organized a health day on our company premises in Aub together with the AOK. The aim was to encourage our employees to enjoy exercise in order to maintain their health. A varied program in the areas of nutrition, exercise and relaxation offered incentives on how to keep fit and active in everyday working life.

Taking part and trying things out was expressly encouraged.

Every employee was able to have their own mobility measured and received specific tips on how to improve it. The relaxation workshop showed how the traditional Chinese art of activating vital energy can be used to keep the body healthy. Qi Gong is a combination of conscious breathing and flowing movements in various postures. Small, targeted training sessions were carried out in the movement workshop. The exercises taught are designed to compensate for monotonous movement sequences and short-term or repetitive strain.

As an additional program item, we presented the topic of bicycle leasing. We would like to offer our employees an attractive model in future and motivate them to leave their cars at home and cycle to work. The so-called “job bike” is freely selectable and can also be used in your free time to keep fit.

The first Health Day in Aub met with great interest. We would like to thank the organizers and exhibiting companies and look forward to continuing the event next year.

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4 good reasons for Rothschenk


Our customer center has only one goal: to turn your problems into solutions. Whether standard stowage cushions, bestsellers or load securing personally tailored to your needs -. we accompany you consistently from A as in field service to Z as in certification. That is our promise to you, as a leader in our industry.


We attach great importance to professional cargo securing. That is why we have our own production, which ensures reliable operation through modern manufacturing technologies and strict quality control. Thus, we offer our customers a comprehensive and high-quality range of services in the field of transport logistics.


DIN ISO 9001:2015, EMAS and Ecovadis are not foreign words to you? Then it's time to work with the best.
You don't take any risks with us - we have been awarded the Platinum Medal on the EcoVadis sustainability rating platform.


As a load securement company, we are proud to have several certifications that validate our sustainability efforts and our commitment to environmental protection and social responsibility. For you as a purchaser, this means that we demand and promote the implementation of high environmental and social standards both within the company and along the supply chain.

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