We stay fit! First health day at Rothschenk

Rothschenk Health Day

We stay fit! First health day at Rothschenk

Joy in movement

For the first time we organized, together with the AOK, a health day on our company premises in Aub. The aim was to convey the joy of movement to our employees in order to maintain their health. A varied program from the areas of nutrition, exercise and relaxation offered incentives on how to keep fit and agile in everyday work.


Participation and trying out was expressly encouraged.

Every employee was able to have their own mobility measured and received specific tips on how to improve it. In the relaxation workshop it was shown how traditional Chinese art is used to activate life energy in order to keep one's body healthy. Qi Gong is a combination of conscious breathing and flowing movements in different postures. Small, targeted training units were carried out in the movement workshop. With the learned exercises, monotonous movement sequences and short-term or repeated heavy loads are to be balanced.

As an additional item on the program, we presented the topic of bicycle leasing. We would like to offer our employees an attractive model in the future and motivate them to leave the car behind and cycle to work. The so-called “job bike” is freely selectable and can also be used in leisure time to keep fit.

The first health day with us in Aub met with great interest. We would like to thank the organizers and exhibiting companies very much and look forward to a continuation next year.

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